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Network survey

Survey of scientists with expertise on a current topic of interest.

Scientific fact sheet

The ‘state of knowledge’ in a particular field, (in the case of position papers including guiding recommendations).

Breakfast meeting

An informal get-together at which scientists and MPs discuss a current topic.


A short meeting about a significant scientific development with potentially high impact, relevant to multiple House Committees.

Scientists’ assessment of proposed policy

Scientists’ assessment of policy and legislative proposals based on Section 3.1 of the Government Accounts Act.


Staff members of the Analysis and Research Department receive information about current scientific research on subjects that are relevant for the House of Representatives.


By way of illustration
During the 2023-2024 session of Parliament, 21 network surveys were conducted. There were 13 roundtable and other discussions on the topics of these surveys. A total of 13 scientific fact sheets were written covering 11 topics. Four scientists’ assessments were completed or initiated and three breakfast meetings were held. The mini-symposium, on the innovation of supervision (inspectorates), took place on 12 June.

New tools are regularly explored and trialled with the House of Representatives’ Analysis and Research Department.